The 7 Best STEM Jobs for International Graduates in 2018


Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Careers | High Paying In-Demand Jobs

Last updated: 23 November 2022 Employability STEM Careers

STEM jobs have become extremely critical for a country’s economic growth, and STEM graduates play an increasingly significant role in enhancing its prosperity and wealth. Research based on the UK economy indicates that there will be almost 142,000 STEM jobs by 2023, which is double the growth in jobs compared to other fields. Due to the high demand for STEM professionals all over the world, a huge number of students are interested in studying STEM degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Demand for STEM Graduates for High Paying Careers

Further research conducted in Ireland by the University of Limerick, in collaboration with healthcare major Johnson & Johnson, showed that as many as 29% of undergraduates studying STEM degrees were unaware of career options after graduation. A clear gender divide was also found to exist, as a higher percentage of female students indicated a lack of knowledge regarding future job options.

Graduate recruiters and university representatives at an event in London suggested that despite the ample availability of STEM graduates companies find it is challenging to recruit them for technical jobs. Almost 95% members of the Association of Graduate Recruiters expressed difficulty in recruiting STEM graduates. Some recruiters believe that many STEM graduates do not find technical jobs attractive enough and look for other options.

Scope for STEM Graduates from International Universities

Ireland is a hub for Technology, MedTech, BioPharma and Finance multinationals, which have a huge scope for STEM professional recruitment. As a result, many Irish universities offer unique programmes with high level industry collaboration to help bridge the gap between demand and supply of skilled STEM graduates and also to bring more females into the STEM workforce. Similarly other countries like the US, UK, China and India also have a huge demand for STEM graduates.

Best Career Options for STEM Graduates

The 7 best jobs to get with a STEM degree

The World Economic Forum has reported a sharp increase in the number of STEM graduates in countries like China, India and the US. The main reason for this phenomenon is that STEM degrees offer long term career prospects with high salaries, low unemployment rates and better growth opportunities. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics the best jobs to get with a STEM degree include:   

1. Petroleum Engineers

2. Actuaries

3. Information Security Analysts

4. Software Developer

5. Statistician

6. Biochemist

7. Medical Scientist / Epidemiologist

Popular STEM Degrees for an international career





Study in Ireland

If you want to learn more about studying STEM degrees in Ireland, arrange a free consultation with SI-Ireland for expert guidance and advice.


Universities featured in this article:

  • University of Limerick
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