Study Food Science in Ireland | Requirements & Universities

Food Science in Ireland

Food Science Courses in Ireland

Study a food science degree in Ireland

Food Science is forever adapting to changing trends in an attempt to find new ways to make food taste better, be safer, and improve cost and manufacturing. Students will study a range of modules, including food composition, food safety, microbiology, product development, sustainability, and physiology.

Food Science is popular in Ireland, so many industry professionals will visit and teach at your chosen institution. Sandwich placements are also an option for students who wish to spend a year gaining firsthand experience in the industry.

Food Science Careers

Food Science graduates will find employment in research, hygiene, nutrition, packaging, analysis, quality control and buying. Your degree can also be used in marketing and journalism, while postgraduate study is also a popular choice if you wish to continue your full-time studies.

Food Science Entry Requirements

Entry requirements vary for each Irish university, but international students will need an IELTS score of 6.5 overall, no lower than 6.0 in each component, and an International Baccalaureate score of 34 points.

Where can I study Food Science in Ireland?

Learn more about Ireland universities that offer food science courses below:

Study Food Science in Ireland

If you are interested in studying a food science course at an Irish university, arrange your free consultation with SI-Ireland today.

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SI-Ireland specialises in selecting the right Irish university for international students by reviewing your academic background, discussing your career goals and helping you apply. Our application services can help you achieve your dream of studying in Ireland.

Study in Ireland

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Brishti Basu

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